Our IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers online training course is fully approved by IOSH and our delivery of the course is rated as ‘outstanding’ by IOSH.

  • 100% online so there is no need to attend a classroom
  • Support is provided by our in-house team of IOSH-approved tutors
  • All our IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers training materials are included
  • The latest IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers Assessment is included
  • The latest IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers Project is included
  • The IOSH course registration fee is included
  • You get 190 days to complete the course once you enrol on it
  • You can enrol and start your course immediately
  • There are no hidden charges
  • Those that complete the course receive a genuine IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers Digital Certificate issued by IOSH
  • Although this is a genuine IOSH-approved course, you will need to attend a classroom-based version to obtain a CSCS or ECS card

Our IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers online training course is fully approved by IOSH and our delivery of the course is rated as ‘outstanding’ by IOSH.

  • 100% online so there is no need to attend a classroom
  • Support is provided by our in-house team of IOSH-approved tutors
  • All our IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers training materials are included
  • The latest IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers Assessment is included
  • The latest IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers Project is included
  • The IOSH course registration fee is included
  • You get 190 days to complete the course once you enrol on it
  • You can enrol and start your course immediately
  • There are no hidden charges
  • Those that complete the course receive a genuine IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers Digital Certificate issued by IOSH
  • Although this is a genuine IOSH-approved course, you will need to attend a classroom-based version to obtain a CSCS or ECS card

Ideal for individual learners

  • Assured courses
  • Immediate start
  • 24/7 course access
  • User-friendly content
  • 100% online including the final assessment

Ideal for training coordinators

  • Access to a dashboard
  • Quickly enrol students
  • View access expiry dates
  • Download reports
  • Download RoSPA, IoH & CPD certificates
Course Image

How Many Users?


Approved training provider 980


During the Quality Assurance Review conducted by IOSH


  • Genuine IOSH Safety Health And Environment For Construction Site Managers Course approved by IOSH and delivered online by us
  • All course fees are included – there are no hidden charges
  • Most learners complete the course in 16-24 hours
  • Works on PC, tablet or smartphone (with internet access)
  • 100% online, including the final assessment


  • To give managers and supervisors an understanding of everyone’s safety, health and environmental responsibilities on a construction site.
  • To enable managers and supervisors to recognise how they can influence, control and monitor risk to improve safety, health and environmental issues on a construction site

Learning outcomes

By the end of this course, learners will be able to:

  • Describe the key reasons for managing safety, health and environmental impacts on a construction site
  • Identify construction site hazards and risks, their impact and how to manage them
  • Identify how law can have an impact on construction sites
  • Describe the principles that underpin good safety, health and environmental performance on a construction site
  • Describe how to assess, reduce and control safety, health and environmental risk on a construction site
  • Describe how to manage a construction site to ensure employees understand their safety, health and environmental responsibilities, are engaged and share knowledge to influence behaviour
  • Describe how to implement and monitor an effective traffic management system on a construction site
  • Identify how to evaluate and respond to an incident on a construction site

Module 1 – Understanding the background

  • Setting the scene
  • Purpose of health and safety law and what it requires you to do
  • How the law works
  • Key health and safety responsibilities
  • Policy and management systems
  • CDM 2015

Module 2 – Preparing for work

  • Engagement, communication and consultation
  • Inductions
  • Competence and training
  • Toolbox talks
  • Risk assessment
  • Risk control
  • Risk assessment and risk control in practice
  • Method statements
  • Permits
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
  • Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE)
  • Safety signs and symbols
  • Emergency planning, drills and tests
  • First aid
  • Fire
  • Local and global environmental aspects and impacts
  • Protecting the environment
  • Contractor selection and management

Module 3 – Setting up site

  • Setting up a construction site
  • Protecting the public
  • Welfare
  • Traffic management

Module 4 – Construction phase health and safety

  • Lifting operations and equipment
  • Excavations
  • Confined spaces
  • Electrical safety and overhead/ underground services
  • Temporary works
  • Lone working
  • Slips, trips and falls
  • Work at height – overview
  • Work at height – roof work
  • Working at height – access equipment
  • Plant and work equipment
  • Mental health
  • Asbestos
  • Lead
  • Noise
  • Vibration
  • Manual handling
  • Hazardous Substances
  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Housekeeping
  • Bullying
  • Radiation
  • Monitoring
  • Accidents
  • Accident reporting, investigation and data review


To complete this course, students must pass the IOSH Safety, Health and Environment for Construction Site Managers exam and project. The cost of both the exam and project are already included in the cost of the course.


The IOSH Safety, Health and Environment for Construction Site Managers exam demonstrates the student’s understanding of the information contained within the course. The exam is taken online, so there is no need to attend a training centre. The exam consists of multiple choice questions and must be completed within 50 minutes. Students will need to achieve at least 21 points from a possible 25 to pass the exam. Students can have two attempts at the exam. A student will have to resit the whole course if they do not achieve the required marks on the second attempt. (We do not charge for resits.)


The IOSH Safety, Health and Environment for Construction Site Managers project demonstrates the student’s ability to conduct a risk assessment. The assessment can be conducted at the workplace, or anywhere with which the student is familiar. The project is completed online and must be emailed to the HSQE tutors for assessment. Draft copies of the project can be sent to the tutor before formal assessment. The project template consists of three pages:

  • Page 1 is for administrative details and allows you to describe the scope that your risk assessment applies to
  • Page 2 is for your risk assessment, based on a format explained in the course
  • Page 3 is guidance on how to complete your project
    Students need to achieve at least 23 points from a possible 38 points to pass the project.

Purchasing your course(s)

You can purchase your course(s) online using a debit/credit card. To purchase online, simply select how many users you want the course(s) for, then click on the ‘Add to basket’ button on this page.
You can purchase your course(s) over the phone using a debit/credit card. To pay over the phone, please call 0333 733 1111 between 0900 and 1700 hours Monday to Friday to talk to one of our Support Team.
Please contact us at [email protected] if you would rather pay by BACS transfer. You will need to provide in the email your name, postal address, email address, what course(s) you require and the quantity of courses that you require. We will issue you with an invoice and contact details.

Receiving login details (online and phone purchases)

You will be sent an email from [email protected] once you have made you purchase online or over the phone. Please check your email SPAM / JUNK folder if you do not receive the email as it may get blocked by your email firewall. If you have not received it within one hour, and it is not in your SPAM / JUNK folder, you can email [email protected] for a duplicate copy to be sent to you.
If you are a returning customer or have purchased multiple courses, the email will contain details of how to access your Training Coordinators Dashboard. If you are a new user that has purchased a single course, the email will contain details of how to go straight to your course. You should add [email protected] to your email safe-senders list to prevent future emails from us also being blocked.

Enrolling multiple learners onto courses

If you are a returning customer or have purchased multiple courses, you will be able to enrol your learners onto their courses using the Training Coordinators Dashboard that we provide you with. You will be sent individual login details for each learner that you enrol. These details will also be sent in an email from [email protected] . You will need to pass the login details onto the learner.

Course access

The course materials will work on any internet-enabled device running an up-to-date internet browser. Each student will have 190 days from the date of enrolment to log on and complete their course. The course does not need to be completed in one sitting. Students can log out and return any time up until the course is completed or until the 190-day access expires. The course cannot be accessed after the 190 day expiry.

Suitable internet browsers

Both our courses and the dashboard will work on any modern web browser, for example Chrome, Edge, Firefox and Safari. You should ensure that they are fully updated. Internet Explorer should not be used because it is no longer supported by Microsoft and so may be unstable.

Course certificate

A digital certificate will be issued by IOSH on successful completion of the course and end of course assessment.

Course expiry

Courses not allocated to students will expire after 12 months from purchase.
Courses allocated to students will expire on completion of the course or after 190 days from the original enrolment (whichever is sooner).

IOSH Safety Health and Environment for Construction Site Managers Online Training Course Certificate HSQE Vital Skills

Frequently Asked Questions

No. Although this is a genuine IOSH-approved course, you will need to attend a classroom-based version to obtain a CSCS or ECS card.

IOSH Safety Health and Environment for Construction Site Managers is intended for construction site managers. The course gives them an introduction to health and safety so that they can apply their knowledge in the workplace with confidence and enthusiasm.

This is a genuine IOSH approved course with no hidden charges. You can see that HSQE Ltd is an IOSH approved training provider by searching for HSQE Ltd in the IOSH trainer directory on their website at www.iosh.co.uk

No. All our Tutors are direct (in-house) employees of HSQE Ltd. We do not use subcontractors for this vital role.  We find this approach helps us to support our learners in the best way possible.

No. All our courses, our learning management system and everything that support them are developed and maintained in-house. We find that is the best way to keep things running smoothly and securely.

We are committed to providing approved training courses in vital skills at an affordable price. The cost of our courses and bundle offers reflect that commitment.

Yes. Unlike many other sites, we do not cherry-pick the comments that we put on our website. Instead, we use an independent review service (see www.reviews.co.uk and type HSQE Ltd in the search box) to collect genuine ‘warts and all’ reviews.

Yes. Our course is based on the latest syllabus which is version 5.0. But we also keep it updated with the very latest developments in health and safety.

No. This course is 100% online. There is no need to attend a training centre.


> IOSH can release the certificate quicker

> Students will not have to wait for a hard copy of the certificate to arrive by post

> Students get lifetime access to the IOSH portal where digital certificates are stored

> Students are able to download and print their certificates themselves.

> Better security, with each certificate having a QR code on it that enables the certificate to be verified

> Better for the planet, from less paper use and transportation

Inspiring Positive Change

Meet the Tutors


Managing Director & Professional Head

John founded HSQE Ltd in 2002. He is a Chartered Safety & Health Practitioner (MIOSH), Chartered Environmentalist (MIEMA CEnv) and Chartered Quality Professional (MCQI CQP).

tutor sam

Key Workstream Director

Sam previously worked for us as a HSQE Adviser and Tutor. She is now our Key Workstream Director and remains an IOSH approved Tutor.


Business Operations Director

Alice previously worked for us as a HSQE Adviser and Tutor. She is now our Business Operations Director and remains an IEMA and IOSH approved Tutor.


Continuous Improvement Director

Alex previously worked for us as a HSQE Adviser and Tutor. He is now our Continuous Improvement Director and remains an IEMA and IOSH approved Tutor.